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Boneless Short Ribs in Red Wine Sauce

7 May

I purchased a crock pot for just $10 at my local Kmart and it comes quite in handy! Strangely though I’ve never been a huge red meat-eater (I used to eat it once a year), but for some reason after moving to L.A. I’ve found myself  eating a little more.

I let it cook for about 7 hours. It was pretty much falling apart and full of flavor and tender. It’s very tasty when served with rice and greens such as kale or swiss chard. It’s even better with polenta if you want a rice substitute.


2 lbs. boneless beef short ribs, cut into huge chunks

1 6 oz. can tomatoes paste

3 tbsp brown sugar

1/4  cup red wine ( I used a Malbec since it had been unopened for weeks, but I’m sure any red will probably do)

1 cup water

3 bay leaves

1/2 tsp fresh chopped parsley (dried will do also)

1/2 tsp freshly chopped basil leaves (dried will do also)

Salt and pepper to taste

1/2 tsp oregano

For marinade and instructions:

1 tbsp cooking sherry

2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

1/2 tsp herb de Provence

1/2 tsp oregano

1. Combine all ingredients in Ziploc bag along with ribs and let set in refrigerator for at least 4 hours–even better if you can do it overnight!

For Cooking:

1. Combine all ingredients in crock pot and let it cook for at least 7 hours or until meat is cooked all the way through.